Thursday, 26 January 2017
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
In this Pranayama we contract the throat while doing the puraka (inhaling) and when we breathe in by contracting the throat, we make a sound like snoring. We sit in a meditative pose and breathe in through both the nostrils. With some contraction of the throat we feet the friction of air in the throat. There should not be any friction of air in the nose. A sound is produced with the friction in the throat.
Do Ujjayi Pranayama for 3 to 5 times.
This Pranayama is beneficial for those who suffer from colds, cough and catarrh throughout the year, for those who suffer from thyroid problems, snoring, sleep apnoea, heart disease, asthma, lungs diseases, for those who suffer from throat problems like tonsilitis, thyroid glands, etc, and for those who suffer from insomnia, mental stress, hypertension, dyspepsia, rheumatism, dropsy, tuberculosis, fever, spleen disorders, etc. It should be practised regularly to keep the throat fit, healthy and melodious.
It is an excellent Pranayama for awakening kuƒOEalin∂, ajapa- japa, meditation, etc. It also rectifies the lispy (defective) speech of children.
Therefore, if a sadhaka practises them for longer duration there is no possibility of any sort of harm.
1) Inhale for 3-5 seconds in a rhythmic flow, and breathe it out in about 15-20 seconds while chanting the sacred word 'OM' methodically.
2) After one chanting is complete one should again breathe deep inside for 3-5 seconds in a rhythmic flow and breathe it out in 15-20 seconds chanting 'OM'.
3) Thus, everybody must do Udgeeth Pranayama about 7 times in about 3 minutes.
Repeat this for 5-10 minutes.
It calms the mind and bring stability.
Effective against hypertension.
It cures problems related to sleep (Insomnia) and bad dreams.
1) After doing all the Pranayamas, concentrate your mind on inhalation and exhalation, and meditate upon udgitha(OM) with your prana. God has made poles in the shape of ‘omkara’. This pinda (body) and this bramanda (universe) n both are in the form of‘omkara omkara’ is not a particular person or figure.
2) it is a divinepower which is controlling and regulating the whole universe. Turn yourself into a spectator (=Soul) and while inhaling deeply and exhaling subtly your respiration rate should be so subtle that you do not feel like hearing the sound of your breath, and even if one puts a cotton swab before your nose it should not shake or quiver. Gradually increase the practice and try to breathe in and breathe out once in one minute.
3) Thus, try to look at the breath inside. In the beginning the friction of breath will be felt on the tip of nose. Gradually you shall be able to feel the touch of breath deep inside you. Thus, by chanting ‘omkara’ with every breath as a spectator (=Soul), one starts going into meditation automatically.
4) Your mind will become highly one-pointed, absorbed in and identified with ‘omkara’. Along with 'Pranav' the great Gayatri mantra from the Vedas should be chanted and recited, imbibing its meaning. Thus, through meditation a seeker can become identified with Brahman, the very essence of Existence, Consciousness and Bliss, and can attain the unique divine ecstasy of samadhi. Even while going to bed one should meditate into sleep, By doing this his sleep will be blessed with yoga; he will get rid of nightmares and will have a quick and sound sleep.
When as a spectator we concentrate our mind on the rhythmic flow of breaths, the prana gets subtle automatically, and we inhale once in 10-20 seconds and exhale in 10-20 seconds. Through long practice a yogi takes one breath in one minute. After bhastrika, kapalabhati, bahya Pranayama, anuloma-viloma, bharamari and udgitha, this Pranav Pranayama is done, which is another form of vipasyana or preksa dhyana.
Helps in High blood pressure and heart problems.
With the help of this, mind becomes steady, lower mental tension, agitation etc.
Helpful in curing Paralysis and migraines.
By Unknown03:01baba, bharti, BHRAMARI PRANAYAMA, kapal, KAPALABHATI, KAPALABHATI PRANAYAMA, ramdevNo comments

Kapala means 'brain, forehead', and bhati means 'glow, radiance, lustre, luminosity, etc.' The pranayama which gives glow, radiance, lustre to the brain or forehead is called kapalabhati.
1) The procedure of this pranayama is a bit different from bhastrika. In recaka and puraka in the bhastrika pranayama, equal pressure is exerted on inhalation and exhalation, while in kapalbhati the whole attention is on recaka, i.e. exhaling vigorously. No effort is made to breathe in, the air that is breathed in naturally is allowed to be inhaled; the whole emphasis is on throwing the air outside. While doing this there is naturally contraction and expansion of abdomen and special force is exerted on muladhara (pelvic plexus), svadhisthana (hypogastric plexus) and manipura cakra (solar plexus).
2) The noble resolution (Siva sankalpa) during kapalbhati.
3) While doing kapalabhati pranayama one should resolve in mind that with the air exhaled by him all the diseases and disorders of the body are being thrown out, being eradicated. The recaka (exhalation) procedure should be performed with the feeling that he is expelling all the physical diseases and disorders as well as the mental flaws and distortions like lust, anger, greed, delusion, envy, attachment, aversion, etc. With this resolution of eradication of diseases and disorders while exhaling, one gets a lot of benefit.
If done non-stop kapalabhati pranayama is done 60 times in one minute or 300 times in 5 minutes. Very sick and weak persons get tired in 2-3 minutes in the beginning, but in 10-15 days every person becomes capable of doing kapalabhati non- stop for 5 minutes.
Kapalabhati must be done for 5 minutes in one sitting. One cannot get full benefit if it is done for a lesser time. With the increase in capacity after a long practice as well as with the maturity of experience one can do kapalabhati pranayama up to 15 minutes. A healthy and even slightly sick person should do kapalabhati for 15 minutes.
In three rounds in 15 minutes kapalabhati is done 900 times. Persons suffering from incurable diseases like cancer, AIDS, hepatitis, leucoderma, vitiligo, psoriasis, excessive obesity, infertility, cysts/ nodules in uterus, ovary, breast or any where in the body, MS and SLE should do kapalabhati for half an hour.
It increases glow, radiance, lustre and beauty of the face and brain.
All kapha disorders like asthma, respiratory diseases, allergy,sinusitis etc are cured.
All the diseases of heart, lungs and brain are cured.
Obesity, diabetes, flatulence, constipation, acidity and kidney and prostate diseases are definitely cured.
With the regular practice of this pranayama for about 5 minutes daily, an obstinate disease like constipation is cured. Diabetes can be regulated without any medicine and the weight due to abdominal fat can be reduced by 4-6 kgs in one month. Blockages in the arteries of heart are removed.
1) Inhale completely, press lightly at the root of the nose near the eyes with the middle fingers of both hands, keep the mind centred on the medullary plexus (ajna- cakra). Close both the ears completely with thumbs. Now, humming like a bee and resonating 'OM', breathe out. Repeat this procedure.
2) The noble resolution (Siva sankalpa) during bhramari pranayama
3) This pranayama should be done by identifying your consciousness with divine consciousness and God's existence. One should have in one's mind this divine resolution or thought that God's compassion, peace and bliss is raining on him. God is enriching him with pure intellect (atambhara praj.a) by dispelling all his ignorance with His divine light illumining his ajna cakra (medullary plexus). Thus by doing this pranayama with pure intentions one feels a nebula of light in his ajna - cakra and starts going into meditation automatically.
Inhaling for 3-5 seconds, and closing the ears, eyes, etc, as per the procedure, breathing it out in 15-20 seconds, makes one set of bhramari pranayama. After completing one set, one should again breathe in for 3-5 seconds with a rhythmic flow, and humming like a bee breathe it out in 15-20 seconds according to procedure. Thus, everybody should do bhramar∂ pranayama at least 5-7 times nonstop, which will take about 3 minutes.
It dispels the instability/ fickleness of mind and is beneficial in mental tension, agitation, high B.P, heart disease, etc. It is very useful for meditation.
1) Sitting in a convenient meditative pose and filling the breath inside up to diaphragm through both the nostrils and then breathing it out gently is called bhastrika pranayama.
2) The noble resolution (siva sankalpa) during bhastrika
3) While filling the breath inside during bhastrika pranayama one should think (resolve) in his mind whatever is noble and pure in the Universe, such as divine power, energy, sanctity, serenity and bliss, is instilling into my body along with prana. I am getting suffused with divine powers. The pranayama done with this divine resolution is essentially beneficial.
There should be inhalation of 2½ seconds and exhalation of 2½ seconds in a rhythmic flow.
Thus by doing it non-stop, one can do bhastrika pranayama 12 times in one minute. One should do it for 5 minutes in one sitting. In the beginning one may have to take rest in between. It takes about a week to develop the practice of this pranayama for 5 minutes non-stop. Healthy persons and slightly sick persons should practise bhastrika for 5 minutes daily. Those who are suffering from cancer, lung fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, MS, SLE and other incurable diseases should do this pranayama for 10 minutes. Thus bhastrika is done 12 times in one minute and 60 times in 5 minutes. If done in two sittings in incurable diseases like cancer this praƒyama is best done 120 times. Normally pranayama is best done empty stomach. If for some reason one is not able to do pranayama in the morning it can also be done 5 hours after mid-day meals. If persons suffering from incurable diseases practise pranayama both in the morning and evening, they will soon benefit more.
Those who are suffering from high B.P. and heart disease, should not practise bhastrika at vigorous speed.
We should not inflate our stomach while filling the breath inside during this pranayama. If you fill in the breath up to diaphragm it will inflate the chest up to ribs, not the stomach. The name of diaphragmatic deep breathing only is bhastrika.
Practise it at a slow pace in summer season.
Those whose both nostrils are not properly open due to excess of cough or sinus problems, etc, should first close the right nostril and do recaka and pµuraka with left nostril. Then they should close the left nostril and do recaka and pµuraka with the right nostril at slow, medium or vigorous speed as per their capacity. Then in the end, they should do bhastrika pranayama using both ida end pingala energy channels. One must practise this pranayama for 5 minutes daily. Keep your eyes closed while doing this pranayama and meditate on 'OM' in your mind with each inhalation and exhalation.
All kapha diseases like colds, catarrh, allergy, tuberculosis, asthma, chronic catarrh, sinusitis, etc, are cured. Lungs become strong and by getting purified air heart and mind also become healthy.
All the throat diseases like thyroid and tonsilitis are cured.
1) Sit properly in siddhasana or padmasana and throw the breath out, as much as you can, in one go.
2) After throwing the breath out, apply mulabandha, uddayana bandha and jalandhara bandha, and hold the breath out as much as you can.
3) When you feel like breathing in, take the breath while relaxing the bandhas slowly.
4) After taking in the breath, throw it out again as before, without holding it up.
Filling in the breath effortlessly in 3-5 seconds, throwing it out effortlessly in 3-5 seconds, holding it out for 10-15 seconds, and again filling it in 3-5 seconds and doing bahya Pranayama by exhaling it, in this way bahya Pranayama is completed in about 20-25 seconds. It is better if two bahya Pranayamas are done non-stop one after the other. If in the beginning one has to take 1-2 normal breaths between two pranayamas, one may take them. Normally onecan easily do bahya Pranayama 5 times in 2 minutes, and that is generally sufficient. Persons suffering from rectal prolapse, piles, fissure, fistula, vaginal prolapse, excessive urination, scanty urination and venereal diseases can practise it up to 11 times. Seekers desirous of awakening kundalini and of being urdhvareta (with upward movement of semen) may practise it maximum 21 times.
It is a harmless Pranayama. It dispels the unstability of mind. & It improves the digestive power and is beneficial in stomach ailments.
It makes the intellect sharp and subtle.
It cleanses the body. By promoting the upward movement of semen, it removes the sexual disorders like nocturnal emissions, quick ejaculation, etc.
In bahya Pranayama all the organs in the abdomen are strained a lot and slight pain is felt in the weak or diseased part of the abdomen in the beginning.
For giving some relaxation and therapy to the abdomen.This Pranayama should be done by applying the three bandhas.
1) Raise your right hand and with its thumb close the right nostril (pingla nadiand while closing the left nostril use the ring finger and middle finger of the right hand).
2) The palm of the hand should not be in front of the nose; it should instead be held away to the right side. Since ida nadi(left nostril) represents moon, lunar power, coolness and calmness, anuloma- viloma Pranayama is started from the left nostril for cleansing the nadi(energy channel).
3) Closing the right nostril with the right hand thumb, we should gently fill the breath inside through the left nostril.
4) When the inhalation is complete, we should close the left nostril with the ring finger and middle finger of the right hand and exhale completely through the right nostril.
5) The rate of inhalation-exhalation should gradually be increased from medium to vigorous. Inhale vigorously with full force and then exhale. Make the rate of inhaling and exhaling slow, medium or fast according to your capacity.
6) If you do puraka (inhaling) and recaka (exhaling) at a fast rate, there is a loud sound of breathing. After you have exhaled completely, keeping the left nostril closed, fill in complete breath through the right nostril and exhale it through the left nostril.
Thus, one set is completed.
One set of anuloma-viloma Pranayama will be performed in 10seconds, i.e., 6 times in one minute. In a sitting of 5 minutes anuloma viloma is performed about 30 times, and if a healthy person or a person suffering from light common ailments does it for the prescribed duration of 15 minutes, it will be performed about 90 times.
Persons suffering from incurable diseases like cancer, leucoderma / vitiligo, psoriasis, muscular dystrophy, SLE, infertility, HIV, AIDS, kidney diseases, etc. should practise anuloma-viloma Pranayama up to 30 minutes.
Don't use too much of force and don't raise the elbow too high while doing anuloma-viloma n this will enable you gradually in 5-7 days to practise anuloma-viloma for 5 minutes at a stretch.
When the practice gets perfected anulom-viloma pranayama can be done for 15 minutes or even half an hour at a stretch.
This Pranayama cleanses seventy-two crore, seventy-two lakh, ten thousand, two hundred ten nadis (energy channels). With the cleansing of all the naOE∂s the body becomes completely healthy, radiant and strong.
All the vata diseases like arthritis, rheumatism, gout, Parkinson's Disease, nervous debility, etc & all pitta diseases like urinary diseases, tissue diseases, spermatorrhea, emissions, hyperacidity, heart burn, skin rashes etc., all kapha diseases like colds, catarrh, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, cough, tonsils, etc., are cured.
Blockages in the arteries of heart are removed. With the regular practice of this Pranayama, almost 30-40% blockages are removed in 3-4 months. We have tried it on a number of patients.
Negative thinking is transformed into increasingly positive thinking. One starts attaining bliss, zest and fearlessness.
In short, this Pranayama purifies the body, the mind, the thoughts and the dispositions. All the diseases of the body are cured, and the mind is cleansed and gets absorbed in the meditation of 'omkara'.