Tuesday 24 January 2017



1) Sit properly in siddhasana or padmasana and throw the breath out, as much as you can, in one go.
2) After throwing the breath out, apply mulabandha, uddayana bandha and jalandhara bandha, and hold the breath out as much as you can.
3) When you feel like breathing in, take the breath while relaxing the bandhas slowly.
4) After taking in the breath, throw it out again as before, without holding it up.


Filling in the breath effortlessly in 3-5 seconds, throwing it out effortlessly in 3-5 seconds, holding it out for 10-15 seconds, and again filling it in 3-5 seconds and doing bahya Pranayama by exhaling it, in this way bahya Pranayama is completed in about 20-25 seconds. It is better if two bahya Pranayamas are done non-stop one after the other. If in the beginning one has to take 1-2 normal breaths between two pranayamas, one may take them. Normally onecan easily do bahya Pranayama 5 times in 2 minutes, and that is generally sufficient. Persons suffering from rectal prolapse, piles, fissure, fistula, vaginal prolapse, excessive urination, scanty urination and venereal diseases can practise it up to 11 times. Seekers desirous of awakening kundalini and of being urdhvareta (with upward movement of semen) may practise it maximum 21 times.


It is a harmless Pranayama. It dispels the unstability of mind. & It improves the digestive power and is beneficial in stomach ailments.
It makes the intellect sharp and subtle.
It cleanses the body. By promoting the upward movement of semen, it removes the sexual disorders like nocturnal emissions, quick ejaculation, etc.
In bahya Pranayama all the organs in the abdomen are strained a lot and slight pain is felt in the weak or diseased part of the abdomen in the beginning.
For giving some relaxation and therapy to the abdomen.This Pranayama should be done by applying the three bandhas.


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