Tuesday 24 January 2017



1) After doing all the Pranayamas, concentrate your mind on inhalation and exhalation, and meditate upon udgitha(OM) with your prana. God has made poles in the shape of ‘omkara’. This pinda (body) and this bramanda (universe) n both are in the form of‘omkara omkara’ is not a particular person or figure.
2) it is a divinepower which is controlling and regulating the whole universe. Turn yourself into a spectator (=Soul) and while inhaling deeply and exhaling subtly your respiration rate should be so subtle that you do not feel like hearing the sound of your breath, and even if one puts a cotton swab before your nose it should not shake or quiver. Gradually increase the practice and try to breathe in and breathe out once in one minute.
3) Thus, try to look at the breath inside. In the beginning the friction of breath will be felt on the tip of nose. Gradually you shall be able to feel the touch of breath deep inside you. Thus, by chanting ‘omkara’ with every breath as a spectator (=Soul), one starts going into meditation automatically.
4) Your mind will become highly one-pointed, absorbed in and identified with ‘omkara’. Along with 'Pranav' the great Gayatri mantra from the Vedas should be chanted and recited, imbibing its meaning. Thus, through meditation a seeker can become identified with Brahman, the very essence of Existence, Consciousness and Bliss, and can attain the unique divine ecstasy of samadhi. Even while going to bed one should meditate into sleep, By doing this his sleep will be blessed with yoga; he will get rid of nightmares and will have a quick and sound sleep.


When as a spectator we concentrate our mind on the rhythmic flow of breaths, the prana gets subtle automatically, and we inhale once in 10-20 seconds and exhale in 10-20 seconds. Through long practice a yogi takes one breath in one minute. After bhastrika, kapalabhati, bahya Pranayama, anuloma-viloma, bharamari and udgitha, this Pranav Pranayama is done, which is another form of vipasyana or preksa dhyana.


Helps in High blood pressure and heart problems.
With the help of this, mind becomes steady, lower mental tension, agitation etc.
Helpful in curing Paralysis and migraines.


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