Tuesday 24 January 2017



In this Pranayama we contract the throat while doing the puraka (inhaling) and when we breathe in by contracting the throat, we make a sound like snoring. We sit in a meditative pose and breathe in through both the nostrils. With some contraction of the throat we feet the friction of air in the throat. There should not be any friction of air in the nose. A sound is produced with the friction in the throat.


Do Ujjayi Pranayama for 3 to 5 times.


This Pranayama is beneficial for those who suffer from colds, cough and catarrh throughout the year, for those who suffer from thyroid problems, snoring, sleep apnoea, heart disease, asthma, lungs diseases, for those who suffer from throat problems like tonsilitis, thyroid glands, etc, and for those who suffer from insomnia, mental stress, hypertension, dyspepsia, rheumatism, dropsy, tuberculosis, fever, spleen disorders, etc. It should be practised regularly to keep the throat fit, healthy and melodious.
It is an excellent Pranayama for awakening kuƒOEalin∂, ajapa- japa, meditation, etc. It also rectifies the lispy (defective) speech of children.
Therefore, if a sadhaka practises them for longer duration there is no possibility of any sort of harm.


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