Tuesday 24 January 2017



1) Raise your right hand and with its thumb close the right nostril (pingla nadiand while closing the left nostril use the ring finger and middle finger of the right hand).
2) The palm of the hand should not be in front of the nose; it should instead be held away to the right side. Since ida nadi(left nostril) represents moon, lunar power, coolness and calmness, anuloma- viloma Pranayama is started from the left nostril for cleansing the nadi(energy channel).
3) Closing the right nostril with the right hand thumb, we should gently fill the breath inside through the left nostril.
4) When the inhalation is complete, we should close the left nostril with the ring finger and middle finger of the right hand and exhale completely through the right nostril.
5) The rate of inhalation-exhalation should gradually be increased from medium to vigorous. Inhale vigorously with full force and then exhale. Make the rate of inhaling and exhaling slow, medium or fast according to your capacity.
6) If you do puraka (inhaling) and recaka (exhaling) at a fast rate, there is a loud sound of breathing. After you have exhaled completely, keeping the left nostril closed, fill in complete breath through the right nostril and exhale it through the left nostril.
Thus, one set is completed.


One set of anuloma-viloma Pranayama will be performed in 10seconds, i.e., 6 times in one minute. In a sitting of 5 minutes anuloma viloma is performed about 30 times, and if a healthy person or a person suffering from light common ailments does it for the prescribed duration of 15 minutes, it will be performed about 90 times.


Persons suffering from incurable diseases like cancer, leucoderma / vitiligo, psoriasis, muscular dystrophy, SLE, infertility, HIV, AIDS, kidney diseases, etc. should practise anuloma-viloma Pranayama up to 30 minutes.
Don't use too much of force and don't raise the elbow too high while doing anuloma-viloma n this will enable you gradually in 5-7 days to practise anuloma-viloma for 5 minutes at a stretch.
When the practice gets perfected anulom-viloma pranayama can be done for 15 minutes or even half an hour at a stretch.


This Pranayama cleanses seventy-two crore, seventy-two lakh, ten thousand, two hundred ten nadis (energy channels). With the cleansing of all the naOE∂s the body becomes completely healthy, radiant and strong.
All the vata diseases like arthritis, rheumatism, gout, Parkinson's Disease, nervous debility, etc & all pitta diseases like urinary diseases, tissue diseases, spermatorrhea, emissions, hyperacidity, heart burn, skin rashes etc., all kapha diseases like colds, catarrh, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, cough, tonsils, etc., are cured.
Blockages in the arteries of heart are removed. With the regular practice of this Pranayama, almost 30-40% blockages are removed in 3-4 months. We have tried it on a number of patients.
Negative thinking is transformed into increasingly positive thinking. One starts attaining bliss, zest and fearlessness.
In short, this Pranayama purifies the body, the mind, the thoughts and the dispositions. All the diseases of the body are cured, and the mind is cleansed and gets absorbed in the meditation of 'omkara'.


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